Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Greetings All

This past week I had a wonderful opportunity to spend time in sunny (and a bit rainy) Florida with some old (literally and figuratively) high school friends.  One of our classmates was so gracious and generous as to invite us down, and provide wonderful accommodations for us.  The trip itself was wonderful.

The part I want to blog about, however, is the FRIEND part. We were not the "gang" who "hung" out in high school. We range from the brianiack , to the cheer leader, to the nerd, to the invisible, and everything in between.  Many of are in several categories. We are an unlikely mix. That is what makes it so wonderful. We have a wonderful time together. We do not need to judge, "dress right," or impress any one. We can just be who we have become and embrace each other's differences and love and appreciate that we have such wonderful friends.

We all commented that we should have learned this lesson is high school. Too bad it took several decades for us to like ourselves, have some confidence, have an opinion and be willing to share it and do not shun someone because he/she has a different opinion than yours. That does not make them right and you wrong, or does it make you right and them wrong. Different an be a great opportunity to practice patience, love, understanding, learning, acceptance, and so many other things.

Make sure to hug the friends that are close to you. Write  or call (not text, or e-mail) the ones who are not close enough to reach out and hug today.

Be confident in yourself. You have a great treasure chest of values, and qualities. Share them and let them shine forth. Why do we become so afraid to share who we really are and all of our qualities. Find your true self, and share it with others. This world would be a much better place.

Here's to friends. Here's to you and here's to me.

Make a Great Day

Dr. Susan

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