Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Good Morning All

Cliches are things we have heard most of our lives. We sometimes agree with them, sometimes are surprised with them and sometimes annoyed with them. It is very interesting how long cliches have been around. Wise and true information survives the test of time.

When you feel discouraged, anxious, fearful, depressed, etc., remember a cliche that would apply. Even a cliche that does not apply can redirect your thinking and the direction that your brain will take.

A few cliches to keep in mind are, "This too will pass."

The scriptures often state "And it came to pass..." Someone actually took the time to count. The reported estimate is around 800 times that phrase is used in scriptures. However, there is not one incident of "And it came to stay."  Our world, circumstances and thoughts are ever changing.

"Scatter sunshine...." This can be a great one about our attitude! Are we a "drain or a fountain"
As Viktor Frankl stated in his book "Man's Search for Meaning," "we do not always get to choose our circumstances, but we can always choose our attitude."

A grateful heart and a positive attitude can do more to change our thoughts and our feelings, than any external event or person can. When we want to control something or someone, first begin with self and our own attitude.

One of my father's most used statements was, "A smile and a few kind words."  What a wonderful
statement and practice to use every day - every hour if necessary

More cliches to come!

Make a Great Day

Dr. Susan

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Good Morning All:

There are so many beautiful sights in this world that has been created for us. The most beautiful is, of course, the people who live on this earth.

See first the beauty in yourself, and you will soon see more beauty in others. Be sure to identify things you like about yourself every day. You do not need to share these with others. You do need to identify them and appreciate them within yourself. God has given each of us such beauty and wonderful gifts. We need to identify, and thank Heavenly Father for all of the gifts/qualities that He has given us. Some of these gifts/qualities include beauty, intelligence, talents, creativity, curiosity, kindness, service, love, ideas, organization,  caring, health, strength, helpfulness, wisdom, joy, respect, and many more. As we notice these and act upon them, we will strength our qualities/gifts, and strength ourselves. We will also see more of the beauty in the world.

There are tough times for all. There are horrendous things going on in the world. We need to be a light in the world that will show others the beauty in the world.

We can be a strong  light in the world to all those we meet and and daily contact with.

See the beauty in the world and be the beauty in the world

Make A Great Day

Dr. Susan


Good Morning All:

"Beyond every dark cloud, beyond every thick layer of grayness, the sun is always shining --- knowing that fills me with hope!"  (Author Unknown)

We have just completed the month of January. Many feel the "winter blues." The lights, hustle (some times chaos), joy and stress of Christmas are over. I noticed that as the outside lights turned off one by one until next year, and as the decorations were once again taken down and put away until next year, there is a bit of an emotional let down. The darkness seems longer. The weather seems colder. No more external twinkling to cheer us. Many will experience a  period of depression.

This is when we turn to our "inner light" to help light the world.  Focus on sharing your smile, kindness, and helpfulness with others. This will light your life as well as others. "Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the LIGHT!" (Mary Engelbreit)

Of all my treasurers great and small, HOPE is the very bet of them all!

We need the HOPE of love, peace, joy and happiness.

Nature does not lose hope during the winter time. Nature uses winter as a time to rest, renew and be ready to come forth again in spring.

HOPE springs eternal. Fine the HOPE within you that can lead to peace.

The world does not offer peace. We must turn to God and to all that is good in order to find peace.

When the going gets tough and there's no hope to be found, clean something, arrange something, or just move things around! Life is Good. HOPE is available. It is our responsibility to fine HOPE and to develop it.

Make a Great Day

Dr, Susan